Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patricks Day

It's monday again and another week of getting the kids to school and back to road construction in front of our house blocking our driveway.  Luckily we can park up the street and walk in and out if we need to go anywhere. The bad part is that the mail man is having problems delivering the mail and we have had some days with no delivery or pick up.  Not good for getting out Etsy orders.

I had one Etsy order yesterday and one early this morning. Both multiple rings. Those seem to be my biggest sellers. Who knew!

Anyway, I got to go out today to get more jewelry supplies so a hike to my car I go! :)


Saturday, March 15, 2014

A New Day

Good morning,
I woke up today with 15 views on Etsy and 8 favorites. Not to bad, I think. I have noticed something kind of interesting and a little confusing. On the days when I get sales I have very little views. On the days when I have lots of views I have no sales. Now, I want lots of views and to get my name out there, but are they going to the right people? Here is a pic of one of my biggest view days.

I made no sales this day. Other days I have maybe 20 views and will sell 2 items. I think that I would like lower views and higher sales. But I still want my name out there. I have to wrap my head around this one. After all isn't sales the ultimate goal?

Let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you! :)


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Something new

I have learned a lot about Etsy these last few months. I've been working hard on making my brand, making jewelry and trying to keep up on all the social media out there. I've learned some things that work and some that don't. (so far)

I learned that you have to join an Etsy team or teams. This is where I get more followers, admirers, page views and favorites.  And other things too. I have learned a lot with other Etsyens all trying to get their products seen and sold. It is fun too, some are games, creating treasuries, posting new and relisted items. I have about 6 teams that I'm on and it's a lot like another social media setting inside Etsy.

I have seen many great Etsyens on these teams and I really start to recognize them and relate.

It is a huge asset to be on these teams. :)

Jane :)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Slow Slump

Woke up to 2 page views this morning. Now, it is just after noon and I have 5. Today is going so slow in more ways than one.

I do have some ideas though of what I can do different, to be unique, to stand out. I just hope that they will work. It would be nice to get a new difficult technique under my belt and to do it well. Time to learn. Maybe it will help me out of my Slow Slump. (say that 5 times fast) :)


Monday, August 26, 2013

Red stone search

This morning I had 9 page views and a conversation. Someone wanted to know if I had a black stone necklace in red. So I replied right away and said that I could do it in any color but had to go to my local bead store to find the stone. So this morning I went to craft warehouse and they didn't have one. So the search is still on.

In the meanwhile, I worked on a herringbone bracelet and will post it to etsy this afternoon and work on another in a different color. I am really hoping that they will sell. I will post pics this evening.


Sunday, August 25, 2013


I posted two necklaces and waited for about an hour and got some more hits to my stats page. It is now up to 32 total with 11 shop views and 21 listing views and 5 favorites. Still no sales for a while. I have 122 items listed. I need to add more items quickly. 

My 5 year old will be starting school soon and getting work done will be easier. But as for now, I am off to play a little wii wipeout with my little man! 
